Saturday, March 14, 2015

Final Project Community Rowing

We want to create a cord stopper that will prevent the cord from retracting into the machine as the handles are being switched out.

Our design specifications are as follows:

- Easy to remove (<20 sec).
- Does not damage the erg.
- Is sturdy/reliable and holds the cord every time.

Materials: Heavy metals, rubber, magnets?
Parts list?


3/18 - parts list/materials
       - basic prototype/concept
       - meet up after exam, finalize materials list

3/30 - have prototype mostly done
       - meet up outside of class to see where we are with prototypes and what needs to be done between Monday and Friday
4/1   - finalize prototype, hopefully end the class with two or more prototypes almost/ready for presentation
       - test prototypes
4/3   - present to class
       - discuss critiques, identify weak points,

4/6 - commit to design, narrow down to one design
4/8 - begin final product, think of variations according to feedback
4/10 - continue working on final product, think of variations accoring to feedback

4/13 - test product
4/15 - prototype testing at CRI
4/17 - discuss critiques, identify weak points, work on final product

4/22 - make changes to final product design
4/24 - continue working on the final product, test product

4/27 - test product,
4/29 - (Ruhlman Conference) final adjustments

Testing plan:
- Figure out how to safely test without ruining the machine.
- Place stopper on the erg chain, check for correct width and strength of stopper/mechanism.

- Use erg with attachment in place to test for compatibility.

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